These Are Nine Behaviors to Observe in Any ‘Careeroholic’

Adrian Panghe
2 min readSep 5, 2020


Some people value more their professional status, rather than what they do or what they know.

Image by mohamed hassan form PxHere

I believe I have invented the term ‘careeroholic’ some months ago — I could not find on Google any materials on this condition. For the purpose of defining it, I have spent the time until now to carefully study the phenomenon in its natural environment: multinational corporations.

I do not have yet a clear and comprehensive dictionary-type definition, but, for the moment, I just want to provide some very quick references on what a careeroholic might behave like, so you can spot them easily:

(1) Someone who collects titles, diplomas, certifications, mainly in order to display them in the office, at home in the living room next to the family photos, or on the LinkedIn account.

(2) Someone who spends most of their social media time on LinkedIn (rather than Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat), or who has a premium account without really needing it for work.

(3) Someone who becomes really engaged in a conversation when the topic is related to the job, work environment, labor market, career, and so on.

(4) Someone who might be easily labeled as a workaholic, but is somehow more relaxed towards tasks, and more oriented towards status, promotion, and networking.

(5) Someone who is comfortable among senior & top management, no matter the context, actively seeking their attention.

(6) Someone who proudly says their precise and complete internal job title when asked: “what are you doing?”; and is adding at the end of the title: “but, actually, it’s more than that…”.

(7) Someone who always says anecdotes from the office and has many funny stories from meetings.

(8) Someone who will bring their business card on any occasion, and will share it in the most inappropriate situations.

(9) Someone who plans the vacation according to major business events, conferences, or courses.

My pseudo-findings are not at all a critique, and they have been mainly observed… in the mirror. This article is only about putting myself in my own shoes.



Adrian Panghe

I’m a balanced family guy, who’s still learning to be curious. I’m a light-blue collar, who question everything. I compile writing, puzzles, quirky topics & HR.